Ronit Matalon: On Writing, Desire, and Two Billion Hungry People
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Ronit Matalon is author of The One Facing Us, a bestseller in Israel which has been translated into many languages. She is also the author of Bliss (recently translated into English), which was chosen by the New York Times as one of the best books of 1998. Matalon is a journalist, columnist, and book reviewer.

Rachel Back: The Personal and the Political, Israel 2004
Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Shirley Kaufman: A Poetry Reading from Two New Books
Thursday, March 23, 2004
Kaufman is an American poet and translator who has lived in Israel for 30 years and whose poetry contemplates the daily life in Jerusalem and the ambiguities of identity and relations among Israelis. She has published 13 books of poetry and translation, including Roots in the Air, New and Selected Poems and Rivers of Salt. Kaufman is the recipient of the US Award of International Poetry Forum, the Columbia University Translation Prize, and the Shelley Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Poetry Society of America.

Etgar Keret: A Reading and Discussion of his Work
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Keret is returning to Wesleyan after a well-received visit last year. He is one of the leading voices in Israeli cinema and literature. Keret is the recipient of the Prime Minister’s Prize for Literature and the Ministry of Culture Cinema Prize. His books have been translated into 15 different languages and have gained critical acclaim and public success. As of 1998, his stories are part of the literature curriculum for Israeli high schools. His book The Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God was published in the US in 2001.