Found in Translation
(Tuesday, September 16)
Russell House, 8pm
Guest speaker: Dr. Miriam Yahil-Wax, an expert in Israeli theater, will give a multi-media presentation about the immigrant theater in Israel and how the theater functions as a laboratory of language and culture.
Reception will follow

Why Didn’t You Come Before the War ?
(Wednesday, October 29)
Memorial Chapel, 8pm
A one woman play by Fabiana Meyuhas, based on Lizzie Doron’s book by the same title. The play exposes with black humor the relationship between a daughter who was born in Israel and her mother, a Holocaust survivor. The performances will be followed by questions and answers from the audience.
Reception will follow

Between Three Identities: Woman, Israeli, Writer
(Wednesday, November 19)
Usdan University Center, Room 108, 8pm
The acclaimed Israeli writer Judith Katzir will present her path in writing from the first stories that were written in the late eighties and gathered into the collection Closing the Sea to her latest novel Dearest Ann.
Reception will follow